Went out with CLEONA again >.<''
We went to Lao Yat cause she want to service her laptop
Then, I went to find AH KONG :D
We chit-chat and Cleona buy some stuff there
When i saw AH Kong, I miss my boyfriend so much :(
Then me and Cleona went to Time Square
We bought the ticket, IP MAN
Then we go eat at
Station Kopitiam :D
This is after i ate
too hungry and forgot to take picture :P
I drink mango juice,well not that nice :(
Then we go meet Nicholas and Aaron
Cleona need to go back Lao Yat a while
so i follow guys go play pool
They are skillful :D
And i am LUCKY only.. HAHA
Take picture with guys :)
Aaron , Melissa, Nicholas
Happy Three Friends :)
Then Cleona and i went to watch IP MAN
Guys don know go where
cause IP MAN more important!!
This movie damn NICE!!!
Must watch if you are CHINESE
After watch movie then go GAI GAI
ss-ing xD
Then go buy some books then go back :D
The only thing that i dont like KL is transportation
today i take BUS,LRT,MONORAIL
so MA FAN :(
even though you can drive
the problem is TRAFIC JAM
Miss KK so much when i need to go somewhere by public transport :(