Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Stupiak Friend
I know Nicholas because he is my classmate. He is a nice and kind guy. I have no idea why we have become so close, maybe we just click with each other? He teach me computer principle. He take care me when i was sick. He called me see whether i reach hostel safely or not.He listen to me whenever i need to talk with someone. He help me solve my problem , hmmm sometimes :P. However, sometime you will become CRAZY or PISSED OFF when u chating with him. If you want to know how is feel like, then go chat with him. When i was bad mood, he alwasy the one kena bully by me xP Sorry Nicholas :) i dont really mean it!! haha x) Well, once again i promote him to you guys. He still single and available. Nice but sometime annoying but still acceptable. So anyone who interested on him, PLEASE CONTACT ME!! haha
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