Finally, exam is finished! However, still got lots of things are waiting for me , quizzes , oral, presentation and final exam of 1st semester! Still 2 more semester to go! Sigh~ This is what people called LIFE~ You cannot avoid but face it even though is hard. After exam, we went to the curve there to have our lunch and SING K! Since I knew Eunice , i know that she has a nice voice. Today she sings damn nice! Enjoying the time hang out with Eunice, Renee, Vincent and Ah Gurl(forgot his name again, sowiiee)~ But horrrr.. when i back to my hostel , start sneezing none stop! T_T so charm! sick jor larrrrr :(
This paragraph is specially for VINCENT HIEW, because i promise to write something about him since long time ago. Well, i know him because he got 2 classes same with me and plus he is staying in hostel too. His quite good looking but the fact is he is too skinny! Taller than me abit i wonder??? He is a nice and kind, but sometimes very lan c one! Oh ya! He always pronouce my name wrongly! Once again i tell you , VINCENT! My name is MELISSA not MEHLISSA! Please pronounce it correctly, i will appreciate your hard work!! hahahaha! Better stop here! Sleepy+tired+sick = nearly dead~ LOL!!!!! night night :)
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