Today I'm going to blog him, Aaron Looi
also as known as my only gor gor at college :)
We same class for the first three weeks.
I still remember the first time I talk with him was in Mr Dharminder's class.
We need to introduce ourselve in front of everyone, at the stage.
He sit next to me, we both was nervous
However, we did quite fine at the stage.
Sometimes, is quite difficult for us to communicate
He is a banana, simply mean Chinese but don't speak Mandarin.
He only know how to speak English and Cantonese.
Well, everyone know that my Cantonese poor.
And I can't speak in English well .
So, until now we communicate through "rojak" language :)

He desperate for driving without parent.
And he promised me one day will fetch me yam cha.
Gor Gor, I'm waiting your one day.

This is the only picture that we took together
Somehow, I love this picture very much
First time we play pool together :)
It was fun to hang out with him.
Since that day, he keep say that i sapu him 99
but the truth is i very cha one~
That day win him cause luck only nia~

First time he played my guitar =)
He LOOK pro in this picture.
He keep says that he wanted to learn how to play guitar.
HAHA! But I'm noob la~
He is a kind and caring person.
Even though sometimes he may look silly
But is fun to hang out with him
When you need help
he definitely will be there for you
company you
comfort you
even though you din't ask for that much
At least, whenever i was down
he was the one who be with me
I mean like accompany me
chat in msn or skype call me
I never ask that much from him
But whenever I need someone
He was there
He always take care me
like the day we eat after movie
Is my pressure to met such good friend like you gor gor.
We may not understand each other well.
But whenever i need help, you will be there for me.
So, whenever you need me, i will be there for you too.
Just like what you did to me =)
p/s: Don't think too much after reading this post. I know what you guys thinking!!
fuiyo,something is coming in my mind...XD
scare le...XD
i love tis post..
i like yr Courage =P
LOL! Why like my courage >.<'''
the first picture of aaron looks almost model like, if it werent for the water bottle. aaron is such a poser. XD
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