This guy is Gordon Lo.
My another gor gor :)
He transfered to my class when I was Form3.
At that time, I thought he was a LC guy.
However, you will find out that he is a nice guy if you know him more.
We started to know each other more when we was Form 4.
Even though we was not same class,
(because he is smarter than me)
but it doesn't matter for us to maintain our friendship.
Oh ya, I'm younger than him 2 days.
He is the eldest among our buddy.
That's why we call him "Gor Gor"
We live at the same housing area.
We same class when we are Form 5
So my mom fetch us go to school and back.
That's why we become more friend.
Besides that, we have some similarity too.
We both are Hakka people.
Our hometown are some too :)
We love to play pool :D
Now he went to Miri to study liao~
Sure will miss him a lot :P
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