I dumped my blog for about 3days already, I know it is quite rare for me to do so.
I wanted to post something at least, but I just do not have that mood.
Maybe I was too tired last three days? I guess so?
Because I was really lack of sleep recently~
Jie Jie love this post ~ PEACE
Jie Jie said I look nice with my new spec
What about you? Do I look nice with my new spec?
Talk about Jie Jie
She is sick :(
I'm so worry about her
hope she recover soon!!
Recently Baby Theng quite hyper
ya, somehow she is erhemmm
But cannot blame her also
She is going to meet horse soon!
Yann and Roy are like usual
nothing happen recently
Today Tirzah told me that I look fierce if I don't smile
Well, this is not the first time people told me this.
So I will try to smile every moment so that I won't scare people away from me!
I'm going to Roy's house BBQ tomorrow night
Then the next day go Broga Hill go see sunrise :)
Then go find my brother and sister!!
Im so happy and excited ~
Oh ya~ I'm going to my sister's house this weekend!
Yeah~ Finally I can play dragonica already!
I cannot use college and resident's line to play any online game!
I'm going to show some picture that I edited today :)
I love it and hope you too :D

Eunice and I :)

They love to kiss me~
I also don't know why?
So i come out with a conclusion
which is they all love me very much :P
This is my laptop wallpaper

It may be simple but I love it so much :D
They may not a perfect friends
but I love the way they are.
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