Today had a group study with friends
Here are their look when we just started to study.
Denzie's serious face =) WOW
Lionel always look stress whenever the exam is near~ xD
Christy is STUDYING weiiii =D
But after 2hours...
We all become dead fish~ lol
I guess group study just don't works for us ?
Anyway, have fun with you guys la xD
I really no mood to study human communication!
I have 5 more chapters to cover~ I'm dead meat.
Remember wish me luck for tomorrow exam!
Recently my vision become blur =(
I have no idea why? I had just changed a new spec >.<
Is this because of the infection or other matters? Hmmm.
Will go check my eyes soon =)
Mom and my annoying sister are coming to KL today.
Well I think they are in the plane right now >.<
Hope them reach KL safely =)
Wish my dady come kl too=(
Today when I end a call with my dady, I suddenly so MISS him.
I miss my family. You can exclude my annoying younger sister :P
Just kidding laaaa!!!
I miss all of my family members.
No matter is cousin, parents, siblings, grandma, aunts and uncle as well =)

My family without me ~
They took this during Chinese New Year(this year)
I went out with my friends that's why I was not inside the picture :P

My sisters and their boyfriend and also my grandma =)
My grandma was a teacher in high school leaaa xD
BUT I definitely not suitable to be a teacher >.<

See! My annoying younger sister~
DAMN SLIM LA WEII!!! *jealous*
Brother was busing with the computer~

I'm a light bulb~
Very high voltage timmmmmm~
(actually they ask me to do that post de lo~)
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