There are 3 major reasons why I love first semester so much.
First and foremost, I met awesome people in the first sem.
They are crazy, cool, funny and they take good care of me!
Even though there is someone who always annoyed me,
but I cannot deny that fellow wasn't a good friend.. =)
Thanks to them, loneliness is apart from my life.
I really cannot imagine how my college life can goes on without them.
Next, Sem 2 has a lot of assignment and presentation compare to 1st sem.
I dislike presentation, I always screwed up my presentation. :(
In addition, I hate to write English essay especially when you need to write about 2000words.
I guess no one like assignment right? haha~ Maybe there are some weirdo who love it, who knows?
Semester 2 really stress like hell, hope I can survive until the third semester.
Last but not least, I'm not really satisfy with my new timetable.
Everyone wish to have no class on Friday but I'm sure I'm not one of them.
Unfortunately, I have no class on Friday which everyone wish to be like that.
So out of four, i have 3 days that finish class on 5pm. This really fml.
Plus, I only have one class same with Jie Jie which is CTS and i don't click with that lecturer.
It is difficult for us to sit down and have a LONG chat. :(
I'm seriously miss the days we used to hang out together.
I still remember the first time we had a long chat was in McD =)
At first we not really click with each other but after that conversation,
we found out that we shared many similarity and enjoy "zhat" someone :P
I think that's why we can get along with each other.
Memories are always the best. Don't you think so?
Life goes on no one will be there forever.
That's is the beautiful of memories.
想起第一次认识的时候 就聊了很久..
有时候自己不是那么地主动 你却会对我很好
心里真的很感动 因为觉得有人把你放在心上
偶尔两个人闹下脾气 作弄对方
我们是属于那种有点不同性格 但能够互补的..
唉,我不懂我在写什么啦 就这样
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