Day after the last exam of final
We went to low yat sing k
It was awesome and cool
Enjoy a lot of fun that day

They all are blogger :) Click on it and have a look.
If you saw any nuffang then give them a click :)

Me, Kit Yann and Jie.
My friend, Justin said we look like gold fish. =.=
I think I can just ignore him xD

Me :)
Melissa of the Day >.<

Eunice, Mic and I :P
We love to sing.
I love her voice
You will love it too if once you heard how well she can sing
I ask her to join competition
but she said she kiasu >.<
I totally speechless nia ~

Me and Wei Qi.
That day she wore green colour + flower
2 elements that i dont like :(
I hate cloths with FLOWER pattern.
And i dont like green colour cloth too :S

Normal Me and Renee :)

Oh My ( Ms Chandra's favourite quote)
Someone wanna touch my breasts :S
EUNICE, don't molest me!
I know I don't have animal protect me at this moment!

o.O ?????????
If MooMoo reading this,
I beg you please don't mad!
I still haven't found my own animal yet~

If their animal saw this
You want to see
White horse vs Cow?
I bought an anklet for myself.
I wannted to buy this since long time ago.
Renee also bought one, her is ribbon de.
She love ribbon so much :)
At night, Renee brought me to pasar malam.
Well, even though I don't really like to go pasar malam
because many people are there, people are like sardine in a cane
Difficult to walk, easy to get lost!
BUT, thanks to Renee, I was enjoy the moment.
I know it was late for me to update this post