I'm glad that i have met them.
They cheer me up when I'm not in good mood.
They care for me just like an old friend even though we just met.
Today I'm going to blog about some of my college friends :)
They are cool and awesome!
Her name is Toh Sze Theng.
If you stalked on my blog, i think you are familiar with her.
I know her because we are at the same class at first 3 week.
She is a straight forward person, but in a smarter way.
I'm her free alarm clock >.<
She currently in love with someone, she is no longer available.
She is awesome, but sometimes you want to kill her.
Anyway, she is nice and I love you BABE THENG!

This is Renee, my dearest Jie Jie.
I know her because of a stupiak friend, Nich.
She is pretty and smart.
She can easily cry when she is stress.
I don't know how to comfort her when she cry :(
Tears doesn't suit you :)
we are stalker and blogger :P
We like to talk bullshit all the day.
She care me like I care about her.
She got hot temper but only to her MooMoo Bf
Cause he is the one special to her, i guess?
Sometimes she kinda funny, SPIDERWOMAN!
I love you la jie jie :)
This guy call Tok Hong Yaw.
He definitely is a good guy :)
He is cute in this picture but he keep said he is ugly =.=
He helped me alot.
He will do his best for his study.
He always has a serious face.
But when he face someone that he is close to,
He will become talkative and playful.
You can't imagine how talkative he is >.<>
Anyway, he is single and available. :P

This handsome guy called Vincent Hiew.
He also stay in hostel, just like me and Ah Yaw.
Last time he used to say me "cha".
But after I angry he now say i "geng"
even though the word changed but i think the meaning is remain the same.
I still remember the 1st funny thing he told me when I just know him.
"MEHlissa you don't fall in love with me." =.=
I was like "......" speechless.
I know we are brother la, so just chill :P

She is Kit Yann.
Another cute girl.
Another cute girl.
She is friendly and kind.
We love to group chat with Renee in the middle of the night.
Well, we talk nothing but bullshit all the night :p
Is fun to hang out with her.
She like to lecture me.
cause i know she care me :)
She and Renee are not steady.
Go ask them :P

This sexy girl call Wei Qi, also aka Ka'mi Sama
She like to call me XIAN JI DAN
She is damn smart!!!! *jealous nia~*
Somehow she let me remind of Jamie Foo.
Both of them are kind and smart.
Love them too :)

This cute kitten is my mui mui, Eunice Wong.
You can call her short short if you are tall tall.
Sometimes she like to be emo, but this doesn't suit her at all.
I love her :) Don't bully her oh!!
Smile ya :)
Conclusion for all these girls.
Even though we have different kind of personality
however we can create harmony resonance when we are together
All of us are blogger and stalker.
We love to blog and stalk
We love to 38.
We are "犯贱" XD
That's what we call 物以类聚.
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